Proposed Telescopic Seating Current FEMA Room Acoustical Shell

"Art is a nation’s most precious heritage." - Lyndon Johnson

Goal: $1,000,000
Starting Amount: $300,000

List of FEMA Room Uses:
• 7th-12th grade band, orchestra, and vocal music concerts
• Theatre & Music department rehearsals and productions
• Speech practice and competitions
• High school music recordings
• Follies rehearsals
• Cheerleading practice
• Mohawk Danzers practice
• Large class meeting spaces
• Alternative School graduation and award night
• School/grade-level parent meetings
• Mid-level concerts and productions
• Speakers and presentations
• Professional development for staff
• Outside rentals for meetings and guest speakers
• Wedding receptions

$750,000 – immediate furnishings
$250,000 – reserve for maintenance, improvements, and special performances

Donations: Pledges over a 3-year period
Tax ID#: 42-1450042

Building Loan: Favorable construction loan terms have been provided by First Citizens National Bank.

Fiscal Agent: Funds will go through the Mason City Education Foundation (501 (c) (3) non-profit) in a restricted account.

Capital Campaign Board:
Jay and Lorrie Lala
TJ Jumper
Volunteers always appreciated

Private or group preview tours are encouraged.